From Reading to Learning: New Pew Research on Libraries’ Role in Education
Friday, April 8, 2016, 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Colorado Convention Center, Room 109/111/113
New research from the Pew Research Center strikes at the heart of the role libraries play-or don’t!-in meeting community education and learning needs, and how this varies among different community demographics. The recent survey of American adults explores where, how, and why people pursue professional and personal learning-and the role technology plays. Findings show that the path to learning is not smooth for all. Come find out how Americans perceive libraries in the education ecosystem and how we can play a greater role in improving learning pathways.
At the end of this session, participants will:
1: Learn about public perception of libraries' roles in education and learning 2: Understand the evolving role of technology in adult learning today 3: Gain insight into motivations and barriers to education to improve library services
The session organizer(s) identified this session as appropriate for:
Level 1: People with no previous knowledge of the topic.
This session will have: Low interaction: single speaker/panel with Q&A at the end of the program
Handouts: Download 1 Download 2
Track: Imagine
Tags: Serving Adults, Hot Topics, Research and Statistics, Technology, Training, Trends and Forecasting
John Horrigan, Senior Researcher
Pew Research Center, Washington, DC
John B. Horrigan is a Senior Researcher at the Pew Research Center where he focuses on libraries, communities, and technology. He rejoined Pew in January 2015, having been with Pew from 2000 to 2009. Horrigan was part of the leadership team at the Federal Communications Commission that developed the National Broadband Plan and led development of the Plan's the broadband adoption and usage recommendations. He has a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin.
Larra Clark, Deputy Director
ALA Office for Information Technology Policy, Washington, DC
Larra is ALA OITP deputy director and co-principal investigator for the Policy Revolution! initiative, which seeks to develop and advance national policy priorities for libraries. Larra also is the OITP staff lead supporting the Digital Inclusion Survey, and is a board member for the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition.